Happy Hellidays!

Brought to you by our friends at HellBound Books, Happy Hellidays is the perfect seasonal gift for the horror lovers in your life! Featuring my story, "The Dark at the End of the Year," this anthology is jam-packed with exciting tales of holiday horror. Order your copy here. A terrifying holiday anthology with definite difference...... Continue Reading →

My Museum: Portraiture

As an art lover, I dream of owning original Kahlos, Boschs, Carringtons, and Varos. Alas, I am but a librarian author so it's doubtful that will ever come to pass. And so to feed my artful addiction, I collect books, objets, and prints. And online, I curate my favorite bits into a Pinterest board entitled... Continue Reading →

A Brief Chat With the Authors of Shadow Atlas: Lee Murray

Visit Lee online at https://www.leemurray.info/. Hillary: What is the most magical/terrifying place you’ve visited?  Lee: I’ve been lucky enough to have lived in New Zealand, England, France, and the United States, and I’ve done a lot of travelling, so I’ve had the opportunity to visit some absolutely wonderful sites, both magical and terrifying. A few favourites…  New Zealand’s Lake Tarawera,... Continue Reading →

Old Blog Posts Just for Fun

Years ago, I launched my first blog, The Horror Librarian, dedicated to the world of horror fiction. I mostly interviewed authors on my site and there is still a lot of good stuff there. Authors and editors I interviewed included: Kevin Lucia, Alec Shane, Paul Tremblay, William Gorman, Livia Llewellyn, Carmen Maria Machado, Josh Malerman... Continue Reading →

Shadow Atlas

Here it is! My exciting new project with Hex Publishers and co-editors, Carina Bissett and Joshua Viola! Fully illustrated by the mega-talented Aaron Lovett, and bursting at the seams with some serious dark talent, Shadow Atlas is a truly beautiful book! Shadow Atlas NEWS 20 April 22 - Syn's Book Nook review "It's woven together... Continue Reading →

ABC’s of Terror Volume 3

A painting that watches you as you walk by. A doll that isn’t quite the way you left it. A music box that continues to play a haunting tune. Inside these pages are 26 stories, from A-Z, about the things that people left behind. Or maybe they left a little piece of themselves behind, as... Continue Reading →

StokerCon 2021 Souvenir Anthology

This beauteeeeful Souvenir Anthology was put together by the talented team at Hex Publishers for the 2020 StokerCon event. So honored to be a part of it! Limited Release: Book Only Available to StokerCon™ 2021 Attendees. Visit the StokerCon™ 2021 for more information. You're about to discover a state of horror and suspense, where ancient evils... Continue Reading →

Gather ‘Round the Table

My book is available! Food is more than just a basic human need—learning about it and enjoying it can be important social activities. With ties to information needs, social justice, and the maker movement, food literacy initiatives are a natural fit for libraries. And, as this book demonstrates, efforts can extend far beyond a hearty... Continue Reading →

The Toilet Zone

My story, "The Foreign Film Saved My Life" is a nasty little zombie story with a peculiar sense of humor. Compiled and edited by the grand master of 80's schlock horror, Bret McCormick, each one of this collection of 32 terrifying tales is just the perfect length for a visit to the smallest room.... At... Continue Reading →

Animatronic Obsession

Warning! The scenes that follow are not suitable for all audiences. Because 'tis the season, I've spent some quality time browsing Halloween animatronics online. Why not? What else are you doing with your Tuesday nights? Anyway, here are my top thirteen favorite horror animatronics...if I only had $50,000 to spend on this sort of thing.... Continue Reading →

Writers of the Future

While in South America, my sister and mom alternately check my PO box. Here's what came in today's mail: For those of you in the know, you get how huge this is. For those of you not in the know, let me explain. L. Ron Hubbard, other than being known for Scientology, was first and... Continue Reading →

How I Write a Short Story

It usually starts with a phrase or a complete sentence. This will come to me out of nowhere, or sometimes inspired by one of the many "what if" questions I ponder throughout the day. Everything I see is potential fodder for a story. How did that crack in the wall get there? Why was that... Continue Reading →

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